Laura Gillmore is a LA based artist, product designer, and voice actor. She makes sculptures, videos, photocollage, and text pieces. T2R, which stands for “Time to Reflect”, is her fictitious lifestyle brand and persona. Fascinated with the construction of identity, she uses different blogger-like characters, to reflect the anxiety and self-obsession experienced within online consumerspace. Alongside her art practice, she works in the home decor industry which has inspired much of her research in digital marketing and lifestyle branding. How might the blogger’s “online life” influence the identities of their massive following? Reciprocally, how might their own identity be shaped by product endorsements, “unboxing”, and journaling for the public forum? American enterprise and the “gig economy” are landscaping the content of social media.T2R interested in the absurdity of this content and how the individual’s attention has been commodified into an economy of “bottomless” scrolling.